
Robert Peel Primary School


Parents wishing to send their child to Robert Peel should register as early as possible and apply for a place in the main school through Central Bedfordshire School Admissions Team.

The Headteacher is always pleased to show prospective parents around so please telephone to make an appointment if you wish to visit.

Admission number for each year group: 60
The Local Authority will apply the following criteria  (in the rank order shown) to decide the order in which places will be allocated  when there are more requests from parents/carers than the number of places available:
1. All ‘looked after’ children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted
2. Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school
3. Other children living in the catchment area
4. ‘Very exceptional' medical grounds
5. Other children with siblings at the school
6.  Any other children

However, should there be insufficient places available to meet demand, parents have the right of appeal to the Local Education Authority.

To register your child for the school Nursery application forms can be completed via the School Office.
