Parent Survey June 2024
Thank you to so many families who took the time to complete the recent questionnaire, the response was fantastic. We are delighted with your feedback and positive comments and the outcomes are really important to us to see how else we can shape our work at Robert Peel.
We will continue to work on the themes of the feedback.
Parent Survey December 2022
Thank you to so many families who took the time to complete the recent questionnaire, 228 responses were received which is fantastic! We are delighted with your feedback and positive comments and the outcomes are really important to us to see how else we can shape our work at Robert Peel.
The real highlights for us were: the expectations we have for children and how they behave, your children being happy in school, how we encourage them as learners and that you feel comfortable talking to professionals in school.
From your feedback we received, the areas that we are focusing in on are that parents didn’t know about the trips and visits coming up for their child, what their child was learning in school and the ways we are supporting your child’s wellbeing. In addition, some parents commented on the range of clubs and if more could be offered.
The actions we are taking to improve these areas are:
· A list of all trips, visitors and experiences is included on the next page and after the holidays further details will be sent out to each year group—we think there is a fantastic range for the children.
· Year groups will continue to send out termly Topic Intents and Knowledge & Skills sheets for Science and Topic and we will start to use the Class Pages on the school website. That way Class Teachers can share pictures of the children at work in class. We are also going to organise some more events for parents to come into school along with hosting some Maths after school sessions for parents to share with you how we teach certain methods.
· As part of the information staff share with you they will also detail how children’s wellbeing is being supported through lessons and in each newsletter I will be including a well-being update. We will also provide more information on our school website for you to access.
· A new rota for clubs will be sent out in January, there will be fewer sporty ones after school due to the time of year however running club will start again at lunchtimes. We are looking to extend our range of clubs so more children can attend. Unlike many schools we don’t charge for any clubs and we will be keeping to that approach with all clubs being run by school staff.
Parent Survey February 2019
221 Responses
My child is happy and enjoys school.
| The school sets high standards for my child. | The staff expect my child to work hard and do their best. | The school encourages parents to play an active part in school life. | My child receives appropriate homework for their ability. | I receive valuable information from the school about my child’s progress and areas for improvement. |
Strongly Agree & Agree 95% | Strongly Agree & Agree 97% | Strongly Agree & Agree 99% | Strongly Agree & Agree 97% | Strongly Agree & Agree 93% | Strongly Agree & Agree 86% |
My child is well cared for at school and feels safe.
| The school is led and managed well.
| The school expects good behaviour from the children.
| If my child has special educational needs I am kept informed about their support and progress. | I am comfortable about approaching the school with questions and any concerns I have. | The school has a good reputation in the town and I would recommend it to another parent.
Strongly Agree & Agree 96% | Strongly Agree & Agree 96% | Strongly Agree & Agree 100% | Strongly Agree & Agree 81% 91 responses | Strongly Agree & Agree 93% | Strongly Agree & Agree 95% |