Through this policy we aim to:
- Ensure that parents are clear about what their child is expected to do.
- Ensure consistency of approach throughout the school.
- To use homework as a tool to help continue to raise standards of attainment.
- Improve the quality of the learning experience offered to pupils and to extend it beyond the classroom environment.
- Provide opportunities for parents, children and the school to work together in partnership in relation to children’s learning.
- Encourage pupils and their parents to share and enjoy learning experiences.
- Reinforce work covered in class by providing further opportunities for individual learning.
- To practise or consolidate basic skills and knowledge, especially in Numeracy and Literacy.
- Encourage children to develop the responsibility, confidence and self-discipline needed to study independently.
- To prepare Year 6 pupils for the transfer to Secondary School.
Homework Organisation
Listed below, is a breakdown of the types of homework that will be set for each year group. We have tried to ensure that homework is linked closely to the children’s learning in school. For example if a child is studying a particular topic in maths or for grammar then it would be expected that that week’s homework would be linked to this topic to reinforce what the child has learnt in class. To make the organisation of homework straightforward, grammar and maths homework will be set on a Monday to be completed on the Friday of the same week. Below is a breakdown of the expectations for each year group:
- Foundation Stage – Daily reading, word puzzles, number games.
- Year 1 – Daily Reading, Spellings, Maths or English activity
- Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 – Daily Reading, Spellings, Times Tables, English and Maths
- Each year group will also have a practical topic homework activity set each term.
Role of the Child
- To complete homework on time and to the same standard as is expected of their school work
- To speak to the class teacher if there are any barriers to the child being able to complete homework independently at home.
- To attend homework club if they are not clear on how to complete a particular task.
Role of Parents/Carers
- To support the school by ensuring that their child attempts the homework.
- To provide a suitable place for their child to carry out their homework.
- To encourage and praise their child when they have completed their homework.
- To become actively involved and support their child with homework activities.
- To make it clear that they value homework and they support the school by explaining how it can help learning.
Role of the Class Teacher
- To provide an explanation of homework tasks to children and, when necessary, parents and give guidance of how they might assist their child.
- To set up regular homework in an easily followed routine.
- To ensure that homework is set consistently across classes in the Year group.
- To set homework that is matched to the child’s academic ability.
- To ensure any homework is purposeful and links directly to the curriculum being taught.
- To keep a record of who completed their homework.
- To mark homework appropriately, and give feedback to pupils when necessary.
Role of the School (SLT and Governing Body)
- To check compliance of the Policy.
- To meet and talk with parents when appropriate.
- To discuss with staff how far the policy is being successfully implemented.
- To provide children with resources to assist in the completion of homework where necessary.
- To organise a homework club that can be used as a drop in to provide guidance for the children on how to complete their homework. (This is not intended to be a club where the children complete their homework)
- If a child doesn’t complete their homework then in the first instance they are given the opportunity to complete it at home that weekend. If the child continues to not complete their homework then it is the class teacher’s responsibility to make contact with the child’s parents to ascertain why the homework isn’t being completed. It would be hoped that strategies would be put in place to rectify the situation. If these steps do not result in the pupil regularly completing their homework then this information should be passed on to the deputy head and head teacher who will arrange a meeting with the child and the child’s parents.
- If a child doesn’t read at home at least four times a week then they will be expected to catch up with their reading in their own time.
- If children are absent due to illness we will not send homework home. We would assume the child was too ill to work.
- If a child is absent for a length of time e.g. with a broken leg, the teacher and the parent will agree what should be done, how it should be marked and what sort of help needs to be given. In such circumstances the teacher should consult the Headteacher first.
- It is not possible to give homework when parents take holidays in term time.
- Parents/Carers who have queries about homework should not hesitate to make an appointment to see their child’s class teacher in the first instance before contacting members of the senior leadership team.