
Robert Peel Primary School

House System

At Robert Peel we have a House System with all of our children divided into mixed aged teams from Nursery to Year 6, all of which are named after inspirational people from history who have demonstrated Robert Peel’s Learning Behaviours.  These are:







Throughout the school year, the children will come together in these Houses to take part in a range of events and challenges. They are led by a Year 5 House and Sport Captain and all staff are also assigned a House.


These challenges allow all the children to develop their confidence, resilience, determination, negotiating and social skills whilst working with younger and older children. It also helps children to get to know others in the school and develop respect for each other.


Children are also awarded House Point Tokens for demonstrating the school’s Learning Behaviours of:



Communication Skills





This could mean that a child has challenged themselves in Maths and have not been worried about making a mistake, not given up when learning a new skill, or have shared their ideas with others in class when they are usually a bit worried to do so.


When children show these behaviours, staff will praise the child and they will be awarded a colour token which they will post in the class’s House Point Collector.


Each week, the House Captains will collect these tokens and add them to the main school collector in the hall. Each half term the points will be counted and the winning House will receive a reward.


Each half term, the House & Sports Captains will also lead House Assemblies with staff to promote the school’s Learning Behaviours and to learn more about the inspirational figure their House is named after and how they demonstrated our Learning Behaviours.


In addition, a Parentmail message will be sent to parents to inform them that their child has been awarded a House Point and the reason it was given.


Class Teachers will also call parents to share something that has been really impressive during the week regarding their child’s efforts. These comments will link to the school’s Learning Behaviours.



    Churchill House Captain


    Churchill  Sports Captain


    Newton House Captain


    Newton Sports Captain


    Nightingale House Captain


    Nightingale Sports Captain


    Shakespeare House Captain


    Shakespeare Sports Captain

