
Robert Peel Primary School


Music Vision


At Robert Peel, Music plays an important role in increasing and improving all children’s confidence and well-being. Music is used to unite the whole school; the children come together in Singing Assembly to enjoy an assortment of songs from different cultures, times in history and around the world. They learn to communicate and sing with others, appreciate many genres of music and share performances to a range of groups. Children develop their knowledge and skills of musical terms over their time at school, they build on previous knowledge, practise and rehearse skills so they become second nature. They will be taught by professional musicians, which allows children to have high quality specialist teaching, play their own instrument and perform on a larger stage. Children show the skills of teamwork and individual endeavour through playing a range of instruments. Through taking part in a variety of performance opportunities, the children develop confidence, aspire to improve and work independently. The children learn to be empathetic to others performing and how they might be feeling, encouraging and supporting their effort as well as their performance.  Music is an integral part of school life at Robert Peel. We aim to provide the children with the skills and appreciation, which will allow them to access any form of music in the years ahead.
