
Robert Peel Primary School

Parking & Road Safety

If you are driving your child to school, if at all possible, please use Dapifer Drive. For safety reasons, children are not allowed in the car park area. We would ask parents to cut car use down to a minimum and to use extreme care when driving and parking near the school. Please do not use the car park area as a pedestrian access.

If you park in Alfred Cope Road or Leeds Smith Drive at any time, will you please be careful not to restrict access to the residents’ driveways as this causes much inconvenience and justifiable annoyance.

The roads around our school can become congested with cars at the beginning and at the end of the school day and we ask you to ensure you consider the children’s safety at all times.

For safety reasons, bicycles and scooters are not allowed to be ridden across our playground.

Travel Plan

As a school we have a School Travel Plan which details all the work we undertake as a school to promote Sustainable Travel.


For the past two years we have achieved the Bronze Modeshift Award.
