
Robert Peel Primary School

Medical Needs

There is no doubt at all that health problems can obstruct a child’s learning. The School Health Service exists to help make sure your child stays healthy by providing check-ups to identify problems at a very early stage. These check-ups also give parents re-assurance that all is well. 

The School Health Nurse will answer both parents’ and children’s questions about all aspects of child health care and can advise you if a referral to other specialists could help your child.

Children in Reception have health checks for their eyesight, hearing, height and weight. In addition certain year groups have annual flu vaccinations.


Medicines in School

Medicines should only be brought into school if essential, medicines prescribed three times a day should be given before school, after school, and at bedtime, we are happy to administer medicines prescribed four times a day, they will be given before lunch. All medicines should be brought into school in their original containers with the child’s name clearly marked by the prescriber. Medicines must also be collected by an adult at the end of the school day. The school cannot administer over the counter medications and for any medication required a medicines form will need to be completed. The school reserves the right to ask parents to come an administer medicines or creams etc themselves. 

Under no circumstances are children allowed to keep their medication in classrooms or cloakrooms. The one exception to this is the asthma pump which may be carried everywhere by the child; the alternative is for the asthma pump to be kept with the teacher and the child to know that he/she can have access to it whenever necessary. 

Some children need specific medical support through controlled medication. This could be asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes and epilepsy.  These children will have individual Care Plans to be followed with staff receiving specific training to administer medicines and provide specific care for these children.


Illness at School, Accidents and Emergencies

If your child becomes ill at school, we will seek to contact you by telephone. It is important therefore that we are informed of any change in phone number or emergency contact. 

Bumps and grazes go hand in hand with children at play and we will deal with them just as you would at home. We will always let you know, by phone or by letter, if we feel your attention should be drawn to any mishap. Injuries of a more serious nature are thankfully rare occurrences. If your child did suffer an accident at school we would make every effort to get in touch with you at once. If the injury required emergency treatment, we would take the appropriate action and contact you immediately.
