Religious Education Vision
Having a secure understanding about our own and others’ religions and beliefs is vital to developing empathetic and kind members of our local and modern global communities.
During RE at Robert Peel Primary School, children will explore a range of stimulating, yet challenging, questions, developing an open and clear understanding. Through a careful curriculum design, RE will teach children about a variety of religions and values, allowing them to develop their own views and beliefs, while being around others with differing opinions. Communication skills are developed for the children as they justify their views, whilst sympathising to the fundamental British Values, such as respect and tolerance.
Children learn about religions in modern Britain and the wider world, by the study of real events from a range of beliefs, visiting places of worship and school assemblies. Children will gain the confidence to explain their own values and beliefs through the rich and varied RE Agreed Syllabus. All children will develop a sense of identity and belonging, which will help children at Robert Peel to flourish into individuals, who are happy, independent and empathetic to others.
Parents have a right of withdrawal for their children from all or part of RE lessons.