
Robert Peel Primary School

School Day

The school gates are opened at 8.30am and at that time children can go straight to their classrooms. The gates are then locked at 8.40am and remain locked throughout the day for security reasons. All children need to be in their classes by 8.40am when registers are taken. This means that children from Reception to Year 6 have a total of 34 hours and 10 minutes each week in school. 

Please try to get your child to school on time. Late arrivals are noted in our registers and if a child is late, it is a bad start to the day; repeated lateness is both a disturbance to the class and is detrimental to your child’s progress.​


8.45 -11.45 for the morning nursery group 
12.30 - 3.30 for the afternoon nursery group
There is an optional lunch club from 11.45 – 12.30

8.40 – 11.50 morning session 
1.00 - 3.20 afternoon session

Key Stage 1
8.40 - 11.50 morning session  
1.00 - 3.20 afternoon session
There is a morning break at 10.10-10.30

Key Stage 2
8.45- 12.00 morning session
1.00 - 3.20 afternoon session
There is a morning break at 10.40 -11.00


The school gates will be opened at 3.15 pm to allow parents on to the school site to collect their children. Parents are asked to remain by either of the two main gates to avoid congestion near the classroom exits as the children leave.

Occasionally children have to be collected from school to keep a dental or medical appointment. Again for security reasons, the parent should always contact the school office before collecting their child.


Each year group has a weekly timetable.
