Maths Vision
We intend that all children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, through varied and frequent practice with increasingly challenging problems, so that they develop a conceptual understanding with the ability to recall and apply knowledge confidently and accurately.
A ‘Teaching for Mastery’ approach ensures that all children can access learning by developing their mathematical understanding and knowledge in small, coherent steps. We aspire that all children will make progress relative to their starting points and will leave Robert Peel with a confident, resilient and happy attitude towards Maths. Children will work alongside their peers and will demonstrate empathy.
Teachers will break learning into manageable steps and use STEM sentences to support the verbal rehearsal of key learning. To ensure that children gain a secure understanding of key mathematical concepts, teachers will support children by using concrete resources and pictorial representations, before introducing abstract methods. All children will be given the opportunity to apply their learning to reasoning and problem solving tasks, both in the context of lessons and real-life examples.