PE Intent
PE at Robert Peel encompasses all the learning behaviours we wish to instil in our children as a school. Competitive sport has become a vehicle for developing and displaying learning behaviours. Half termly intra-school house competitions allow children to become resilient through losses while developing the aspirations to win. Communication skills are consistently encouraged as children become confident communicators and fantastic team members.
At Robert Peel PE is fully inclusive of all abilities and learning needs. We aim for all children to develop their knowledge and skills within the subject. We aim to increase their fluency and depth of learning through physical literacy, understanding of their body’s capabilities, fitness levels and movement and co-ordination skills. PE lessons are designed to be highly active throughout their duration and encourage children to challenge their own abilities. We believe that through PE, sports clubs and regular competition that we are developing healthy, happy, active children with high levels of confidence and self-esteem.