Starting at school is an important step for every child. This may be in our school Nursery or in Reception. We want this chapter in your child's life to be a really positive step and we have included some photos of what life is like in Early Years at Robert Peel and some information to help parents.
If you would like to know more then please just call the school and we can have a discussion with you.
Assessing your Child
At Robert Peel we have opted to become an Early Adopter school by taking part in a newly proposed framework for Early Years children (Nursery & Reception) set by the Department of Education. We will use this framework to assess how the children are developing and how we can move their learning on to enable them to develop the skills required to reach the early learning goals at the end of the Reception year. Although we have opted to use this framework this year, it will be statutory for all schools from September 2021. If you would like to read more about this then please follow the links below.