
Robert Peel Primary School

School Uniform

The school has a uniform, which is kept as simple as possible and all children are expected to wear. This contributes to a child’s feeling of belonging and pride in their appearance. Children play outside each day and throughout the year. Please ensure your child has warm adequate clothing when it is cold and a hat and sunscreen for sunny weather. 


You do not have to buy uniform with the school logo on and plain items from any shop are suitable. We also have a lot of nearly new, uniform and PE kits so please do contact the school office if you would like some help with uniform. 


Children in Year 5 and 6 can use a school bag and all other year groups are to use a school bookbag. Year 5 and 6 also have the option of wearing a school tie. These can be purchased from the school office. Children also all need to bring a water bottle each day.



Water bottle - £2.00

Book bags - Small £6.50, Expanding £8.50

School tie - £3.00

Swimming hats - £1.75


Long hair must be tied up each day and no extreme haircuts like tram lines, mohawks and hair dyeing. If children wear earings these are to be a small stud earing and will need to be removed or covered for PE.



P.E Swimming

Grey or  black trousers or shorts.

Black shorts


White or red shirt, or white polo shirt

White T-shirt

Swimming hat

Red pullover or sweatshirt, or school fleece. 

Plimsolls or Training shoes


Sensible black shoes Tracksuits or leggings for cold weather Flip flops





P.E Swimming

Grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore. 

Black shorts


White or red shirt, or white polo shirt

White T-shirt

Swimming hat

Red pullover or sweatshirt, or school fleece. 

Plimsolls or Training shoes


Sensible black shoes Tracksuits or leggings for cold weather Flip flops

Gooddies Uniform Supplier

Click here to order your school uniform

Please ensure your child’s clothes and possessions are clearly named.

