Welcome to our Governing Body
The Governors at Robert Peel Primary School are very proud to take an active part in school life. Our aim is to ensure that the children at our school are able to achieve to the best of their ability and have a wonderful experience of the school.
The Governing Body works with the Senior Leaders in the strategic development of the school. They support the Headteacher and staff as well as offering constructive challenge ensuring that the school achieves the very best it can for all children.
The core functions of the Governing Body include, but are not limited to ensuring:
That the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined.
That the headteacher performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school.
The sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.
In addition, the Governing Body ensures the voices of stakeholders are heard.
Governance Role
As Governors, a critical part of our role is to ensure we develop and maintain strong links with parents, staff and children. To support this, we can often be found in and around school, attending meetings and experiencing the many different activities that take place in school. We also try to attend as many school functions as we are able.
Governor Benefits
The role of Governor is carried out on a voluntary basis. As a Governor, you can:
You don't need to be an experienced professional - it's about attitude as well as expertise. The Governing Body needs skilled people to help them run effectively, but hard and soft skills are needed around the table, such as, problem solving or negotiation as much as specific expertise.
Governance Monitoring
The Governing Body will monitor in detail areas such as Finance, Personnel, Premises (which includes Health & Safety) and the Curriculum. We also ensure that legally required policies and documents are held and are available for Staff, Children, Governors, Parents and Carers and any visitors to school when and where relevant.
We receive a report from the Headteacher once a term which keeps us up to date with children’s academic achievements, staffing, attendance, special projects, school life in general and other legally required reports. We support and challenge the Headteacher and make crucial decisions about the school in our Governing Body meetings.
The Department of Education requires the Governing Body to have a number of statutory policies in place at the school. The Governing Body regularly ensures that all relevant school policies are kept up to date and in line with the latest local and national guidance.
Governance Links
Through the Headteacher and Staff, we are kept informed of all aspects of school life. Each Governor is linked to a subject and/or school development area. We have meetings with Senior and Subject Leaders to discuss how the National Curriculum is being followed and adapted to meet the needs of our pupils. We meet with the Senior Leadership Team to discuss areas of school development for the future. Link Governors provide feedback from these meetings at the Governing Body meetings.
Governance Membership
Our focus is very much the future of the school for the benefit of the pupils. The Governing Body membership is currently 9 Governors which is in line with the Instrument of Government.
Ian Chapman (Parent Governor) - Chair of Governors
Liesl Ganney (Headteacher)
Mick James (Co-Opted Governor – Deputy Head)
Helen Bremner (Staff Governor)
Chris Robson (Trust/Foundation Governor)
Rebecca Watkinson (Associate Governor - Staff Member)
Tudo Scheibner (Parent Governor)
Jenny James (Parent Governor)
Cllr Nigel Aldis (LA Governor)
Cllr Jennifer Ivanciu-Wilkinson (Trust/Foundation Governor)
Clerk to Governors
Laura Forgham, Governance Clerk and Michelle Francis-Joseph, Governance Professional (Devine Education Consultancy Ltd)
Contact with the Governors can be made through the main school office and main school email address with correspondence labelled for The Governing Body or Chair of Governors.
Governance Register of Pecuniary Interests
Governors are forbidden from being involved in decision making relating to the purchases by the school of goods and services from themselves, their relatives or any organisation in which they or those close to them have significant interest. The Governance Clerk is required to maintain a register of such interests.
A Declaration of Interests Form is completed annually by all Governors to declare such interests. If interests change, a new form is completed.
At every governance meeting, Governors declare as to whether they have any pecuniary interests related to the agenda items listed for the governance meeting.
The Register of Pecuniary Interests was ratified by the Governing Body on 5th October 2023 The Register is reviewed at every meeting.
Governance Committees & Meetings
The Governing Body meets at least five times per an academic year to consider the strategic aspects impacting the school and the children.
The Standards, Curriculum, Inclusion & Pupils Committee meets three times per academic year. The core functions are to oversee the educational performance of the school, including matters relating to children's progress and achievement, the quality of teaching and learning, teaching staff further development, and the development and delivery of the school curriculum offer. The Chair of the Standards, Curriculum, Inclusion & Pupils Committee is Chris Robson.
The Finance and Premises Committee meets three times per academic year. The core functions are to oversee and monitor compliance with statutory obligations under School Governance, DfE, Bedford Borough Council and Data Protection. This includes the financial performance (value for money) of the school, human resources issues (efficient, effective employment/deployment), premises, health and safety and, general organisation and administration of the school including GDPR, data protection and freedom of information. The Finance and Premises Committee is granted delegated authority to authorise in-year amendments /revisions to the school budget plan, virements between budgetary headings, purchases and contracts in line with the scheme of delegation. The Chair of the Finance and Premises Committee is Ian Chapman.
The Pay Committee meets once per academic year, in the autumn term, to assist in setting the school's pay policy, determine staff remuneration and review the targets for performance related pay. The Chair of the Pay Committee is Ian Chapman.
There are four Committees that meet on an adhoc basis linked to discipline and appeals for both children and staff. At Robert Peel Primary School, these Committees rarely meet but form part of the governance structure.
The Governing Body must agree the Terms of Reference for the Governing Body and its Committees annually. The Terms of Reference outlines the tasks and decision-making powers assigned to a Committee. The Full Governing Body ratified the documents at the meeting held on 5th October 2023.
Governance Diversity Data
The Governing Body has agreed to opt out of collecting and publishing diversity data for the Governing Body. A further reviewed will be carried out in the autumn term 2023.
Governance Vacancies
The Governing Body currently has no vacancies.
Schools Financial Benchmarking
You can view Robert Peel Primary School's financial data and see how it compares with other schools. Please click on the link below.
RPPS Link to Schools Financial Benchmarking website (External Link)