
Robert Peel Primary School

Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum at Robert Peel

What are we trying to achieve at Robert Peel with, and through, our curriculum?  

Our curriculum at Robert Peel is the ‘beating heart’ of our school day. We believe great learning opens doors and expands horizons. A love of learning is the greatest gift a school can bestow and should help all its children become the very best they can be; developing a thirst for knowledge and building Learning Behaviours that will last a lifetime.


At Robert Peel we view the design of the curriculum as an evolving and developing process, which takes into consideration: the needs and character of our children; the children’s prior learning; the children’s experiences; the community in which school exists, the statutory curriculum (National Curriculum) and educational research that is evaluated and relevant to our school.


We have created a whole school curriculum of learning which incorporates the teaching of key skills and knowledge, incorporated into rich areas of learning and experiences including the reading and studying of quality texts. Our aim is for the children to experience deep and meaningful learning experiences, that promote the development of our Learning Behaviours and gives them opportunities to explore, practise and question their learning. We have designed a curriculum, which teaches what matters to our children at Robert Peel.


The design of our curriculum has been shaped by our School Vision and Learning Behaviours modelled around the key questions of:

Fostering our Learner’s Learning

  • To develop the appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, so that children can flourish, reach and exceed their potential academically, emotionally, socially and physically.

Fostering the Character of our Learners

  • To develop learners to have a holistic set of values that prepares them for life in the modern world and in a diverse and ever changing community.

Fostering Behaviours and Habits to Become Effective Learners

  • To develop the Learning Behaviours needed to succeed in the world of:  Empathy, Communication Skills, Independence, Resilience, Aspiration and Happiness.

Fostering the Moral Compass of our Learners

  • To understand spirituality in themselves and others, develop social skills and understand society, build a firm set of personal morals and to engage in the culture they live in and understand the cultures of others.


Our curriculum is accessible to everyone and meets everyone's needs. See  our Accessibility Plan.


Robert Peel’s Promise

As a member of the Robert Peel Family, we promise that we will provide the following so that your time at school is memorable.

Tour a zoo and see wild animals

Take part is sporting House Competitions

Put up a tent

Visit a museum

Watch a theatre company

Handle an animal and groom a farm animal

Learn a country dance

Swim every year in the Summer

Camp out at school

Become an evacuee and travel back in time

Sing in a concert

Have chips and an ice cream at the seaside

Experience eggs hatching and chicks growing

Make a campfire and toast marshmallows

Take a ride on a canal boat

Handle artefacts

Handle exotic animals

Watch a magician

Abseil and climb up a wall

Take the train

Watch a pantomime at a theatre

Make a den

Dress up as a book character

Plant bulbs and see them bloom

Talk to Fire and Police Officers

Visit London and go on the London Eye

Explore the River Ivel

Go to the Summer Fayre

Take part in a Street Party

Perform to an audience as a year group

Ride a bike before leaving Robert Peel

Watch musicians perform

Explore Paxton Pits

Make and fly a kite

Visit Cambridge

Collect conkers

Grow your own vegetables and harvest them

Learn First Aid skills

Create a school Garden of Remembrance

Go bird watching and bug hunting

Learn a musical instrument

Go on an adventure through reading books

Visit the Sandhills

Undertake a space mission

Find your way with a map and compass

Go on nature walks

Watch a film and have a hot dog

Have a dance at a disco

Cook your own meal

Visit the seaside

Take part in a debate

Watch and create a puppet theatre

Take part in a Carnival

Explore an art gallery

Perform a Nativity

Go pond dipping

Sing Christmas Carols at a Christingle service

Have a picnic on the field

Create art work for display in a gallery

Dress up as a historical person

Release butterflies into the wild

Speak a new language

Go on a residential trip

Take part in a Harvest Festival

Visit places of worship

Have Afternoon Tea


Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact Policy 2024
