Our ‘Vision’ below details our ambition for the children during their time with us at Robert Peel.
At Robert Peel Primary School our vision is to develop resilient and independent learners who aspire to be the best they can be. Our aim is for the children to be happy in all aspects of school life, be able to communicate effectively and show empathy and understanding to others.
We will achieve this through the teaching of a rich and diverse curriculum focusing on their immediate locality and the wider world, with an emphasis on deep and sustained learning. The learning will focus on building up the children’s knowledge and skills over time and engaging them in real-life experiences. Children will have the opportunity to lead their own learning, question their understanding, develop their vocabulary and gain fluency through practise and rehearsing key skills. Our intent is that children gain a passion for learning and take the skills, knowledge and learning behaviours they have gained at Robert Peel into their next phase of education and adult life as a member of a global community.
Our vision and educational ethos is based on helping children become better learners and develop learning behaviours and attitudes which will not only serve them well at school but also as they boldly go through the journey of life.
The learning behaviours our Vision promotes are:
Why promote these learning behaviours?
It is about the individual learner and their personal ‘disposition’ towards learning. These behaviours help the children become a better learner if they are practised throughout their school life. They are something that can be learnt, practised and improved and the school promotes these because:
Why are we developing these learning behaviours at Robert Peel?
We believe that our Vision to develop these learning behaviours will allow us to foster and nurture these attributes in all the children in their learning.
We hope that these behaviours will begin to spill over into life outside school, where you will be able to reinforce the ideas by encouraging the children to use these behaviours in their everyday lives. The idea is that these attributes to learning are like a muscle and with the right kind of exercise they can develop and grow in strength and stamina. This is what we are aiming to develop in the children.
What do these learning behaviours look like?
“I can set and review my own targets for learning.” “I can see where my work will lead me.” “I know when a piece of work has been completed to the best of my ability.” “I am happy to make changes from original ideas.”
“I can choose and use equipment needed for a set task.” “I do not allow myself to get distracted easily. “I can follow my own line of enquiry.” “I enjoy taking responsibility.” “I can think about more than one way to solve a problem.
“I can imagine how someone else is feeling.” “I look after someone if they are sad.” I know people can feel differently about different things.” “I like to understand other people.” “I can guess how people are feeling in certain situations.”
“I ask lots of questions.” “I use my imagination and share my thoughts with others.” “I have lots of ideas that I am happy to share.” “I am involved in clubs or groups.” “I am happy to work with different children or on my own.”
Communication Skills
“I am able to put my point of view across in a positive way.” “I can express myself using complete sentences.” “I can hold the attention of listeners by adapting the way I talk.” “I can participate fully in paired and group discussions.” “I ask questions to clarify or develop my understanding.”
“I keep going even if something is hard.” “I don’t mind making a mistake as I can learn from it.” I am able to say what went well and what I could do better next time.” “I keep pushing towards my targets even if I find it hard at times.” “I can use trial and error to work through a problem.”
How you can help at home?